Paul Brand at ITV News reports:
The new Leader of the House of Commons Jacob Rees-Mogg has instructed all staff in his new office to use imperial measurements and refer to ‘non-titled males’ as ‘esquire’. Issuing a style guide in the first week of his job, he also bans colleagues from using various words in correspondence with other MPs and the public.
- Organizations are SINGULAR
- All non-titled males — Esq.
- There is no . after Miss or Ms
- M.P.s — There is no need to write M.P. after their name in body of text
- Male M.P.s (non-privy councillors) — in the address they should have Esq. before M.P. (e.g., Tobias Ellwood, Esq., M.P.)
- Double space after fullstops
- No comma after ‘and’
- CHECK your work
- Use imperial measurements
He also bans the words very, ongoing, hopefully, and yourself.