Did you know that, according to the Bible:
Mary is crowned with glory and honor to rule over the works of the Lord’s hands, and God has put all things under her feet. She will be given power over the nations, she will judge the world, she will judge angels, she will inherit all things. Mary will be crowned with life and righteousness and will sit with Christ on his throne. God’s divine power has given to Mary all things that pertain to life and godliness. Mary has been perfected forever. Mary is a member of Christ’s body, of his flesh and bones. She cannot die any more for she is equal to the angels and partakes of the nature of God.
If that sounds overstated, then read the scriptures for yourself:
- Psalm 8:5-8
- Revelation 2:26
- 1 Corinthians 6:2,3
- James 1:12
- 2 Timothy 4:8
- Revelation 3:21
- 2 Peter 1:4
- Revelation 21:7
- Hebrews 10:14
- Ephesians 5:29-30
- Luke 20:36
If these things are true of all Christians, then they are true of Mary. The problem is that modern Christianity has reduced salvation down to a weak soup of “Go to heaven when you die” and has lost sight of the glory of union with God.
We don’t need to reduce our respect for the mother of God; rather, we need to recognize the plan of God in Christ to make humans holy, full of life and light, power and authority, reigning beside the Lord on his throne, who is glorified in his saints (2 Thessalonians 1:10).
Here and now, in this life, we need to prepare to be judged by God as those who will judge the world. We need the radical repentance that will let us sit with the Lord and his mother, crowned as overcomers, blessed as peacemakers, and meek enough to inherit the earth.
That’s one of the reasons the Church so enthusiastically praises the heroes and role models we have been given, beginning with the Lord’s mother, the first Christian. If Saint Paul can say “Imitate me as I imitate Christ,” then it’s certainly profitable to imitate the virtues and disciplines of all the saints, especially the one the living God chose to be his mother.